Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Real Simple

I got this Special Edition of Real Simple Family. It has a lot of great stuffs. I am a sucker for magazines and nice articles. One of my favorites are on page 16, it was a Q&A type for kids. The question was "What's the best tip you have FOR YOUR PARENTS?" It had nice answers. 15 great answers. Here are my favorite ones:

1.Don't put food in my mouth when I am still chewing.
2.Let me speak, Sometimes when I say something my Mom doesn't let me finish my sentence.
3.Listen when I am talking.
4.Don't embarrass me by going up to my school and don't act weird in front of my friends.
5.Teach me how to be good.--> Love this!!!
6.Show your children you care in 5 easy steps:-->Amazing
Step1:Always listen to what children have to say or at least pretend you are listening
Step2:When they get a test back and they say "I did not do so hot in my spelling" tell them they did Fantastic"
Step3: Give them hugs before they go to bed
Step 4: Don't say anything embarrassing to your child's friends, your co-workers or your child's friends mother
Step 5: Always give your kids enough attention and the love they deserve. But if you have 2 kids or more, try to split the attention and love.

And these kids were ages 3-10. So Smart. I loved it I already ripped the page from the magazine. Hurry and get a copy.

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