Sunday, January 6, 2008

This Summer

Our friends Jeremy and Natalie are expecting their first baby this summer. We are so excited for you guys!! Congratulations!! I had a feeling but I was just waiting for Natalie to tell me last night and today at Church. We were going to start training for the Big Sur Marathon this year, but she never said anything. Anyways, we were talking at Church today and I guess she doesn't know how to break the news. She wasn't feeling well and she wanted to take some meds. And she asked me if she could take some. And I said why not? Because it's Fast Sunday? It's ok I guess. If you don't feel good why not?....Then ... It was the LOOK that gave it away. I asked if she was pregnant and she had the biggest smile!!! Awesome.

Anyways, we're so excited. So I do not have a picture of Jeremy and Natalie but I do have this one. Sorry girls. You guys look great! We have to take one next time we go out.


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