Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bee Stings and Baseball

This summer has been a lot of baseball. JT and Jake are always excited the moment Paul walks in from work. They get to play baseball and I get to run before dinner. On Wednesday, while I was fixing dinner and the boys were playing baseball, Jake was batting when he paused then Paul saw a honey bee a few seconds later Jake screamed "owwwwww!!" He cried and went inside, I checked his Right forehead and there it was 2 red raised spots. I was actually talking to my sister at that time when she told me to take him to the M.D. I told Jake we needed to go the the Doctor, but he insisted to finish batting first before going to the MD. So funny. We washed the area and went to urgent care. The M.D checked Jake and gave him a steroid shot. She also advised me to give him benadryl every 6 hours x 2 days. She also shared that me that she was camping and got stung by a wasp and in just a few minutes half of her face was swollen and she went to the ER and they gave her steroid shot. It is good to take the kids to the M.D if stung by a Bee to prevent any shock or allergic reaction.

She also advised me to have Benadryl in my purse during summer .

Before Jake and I went to Urgent Care
we saw the culprit lying on the sidewalk.

The Bee incident yesterday did not stop the boys from playing baseball today. We had the Mish for dinner tonight and they played baseball with the boys too. They had fun.

I almost got hit on the face
after I took this picture.
Easy Guys.

Home run
They had a blast!

After playing baseball we had a nice dinner at one of the Indian Restaurants. We enjoyed Garlic Naan, Basmati Rice, Chicken Tikka Masala, Tandoori Chicken and Shrimp Vindaloo. It was very good and we all enjoyed the food. The boys behaved very well and enjoyed the Plain Naan, and Jake called it Pizza without sauce. =) After dinner we played our family's favorite game - the Thimble game and had yummy Ice Cream for the last day of Ice Cream Month. They also shared a wonderful lesson about Repentance and the boys loved it.

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