Tuesday, September 30, 2008

From Twilight to "The Resolution Video"

Stephenie Meyer is so talented. I am really beginning to be
a FAN of hers not just the Twilight Saga
(Which BTW, I have to constantly remind myself that Edward is FICTIONAL)
in general, how cool is this Woman.
A Mom, friend,Author and now this....
So, I discovered her taste in Music
when I went running this month and listened to my I-pod.
Click here

Anyway, I remember reading an article a month ago on
Twilight Tuesday. Click here
that she was directing a video for "The Resolution"
Jack's Mannequin in Malibu. She picked the location
for the Ocean, Mountain and Desert scene
And I was like
"ok, this will be very interesting and cannot wait to watch the video".

And YES, she did it!
Click here to read the article and watch here

Don't you just love Jack's Mannequin?


Rachon & Jared to the Max said...

Jared and I love Jack's Mannequin. I liked the viceo I'll have to show Jared when he wakes up.

Joanne said...

I know..I love them!

Jennifer said...

I now just check your blog for all twilight info. Love it. BTW, you look absolutely fabulous! YOu are so skinny and your fashion is something to die for. When you feel like getting rid of some of your clothes, pass them on to me. I have no fashion sense and any of your hand me downs are better than anything I own.

Joanne said...

Jen - I know, I am just so hooked. Thank you so much for the kind words, And skinny? I don't know about that.BELIEVE me, I am still working on it. I had to run half and and full marathon to lose all these freakin fat! You are so sweet. I dont know about that fashion thing. Of course I love it. Since I cannot afford these fabulous and expensive designers, I totally get my fashion sense from Forever 21 and H&M =).And yes, you do have a great taste in fashion and you always look great. Come on after having 3 kids!