Friday, January 23, 2009

I covet Long eye lashes

I try not to apply mascara everyday but I have been putting Vit.E oil on my lashes at night for a healthier look but I do want the longer and fuller. And I have decided to try and go to a Japanese
Salon to have my eye lashes lengthened, more volume and look fuller. For the time being on New York Times

Allergan - the company that turned an obscure muscle paralyzer for eyelid spasms, Botox, into a blockbuster wrinkle smoother, hopes to perform cosmetic alchemy yet again. At the end of the month, the company plans to introduce Latisse, the first federally approved prescription drug for growing longer, lusher lashes. The product has the same formula as Allergan’s eye drops for glaucoma, called Lumigan. It is one of several drugs in a category known as prostaglandin analogs, which are meant to reduce dangerous pressure in the eyeball. But as a side effect, the treatment tends to make the eyelashes of many patients longer and fuller.

Now are you ready for some Betty Boop eyelashes?

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